
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Team Camp Ride #1

Today's ride started off somewhat humorously. Just as we were about to roll out, the dog, Trek, got out, and wandered away. What started off as a seemingly mild problem (dog out of house) turned into an hour-long goose chase. Eventually, after several botched attempts at grabbing Trek's collar, Trek came to understand the situation as a sort of game: Stay Away From the Hagens Berman Guys. Here's a picture of us fanning out, looking for Trek (click on the picture -- how many Hagens Berman riders can you find? Can you spot all four?):

Our patience rapidly wore off. 

Here we are using bait to attract Trek.  

Eventually we rounded up the dog and got on the road.

Spencer is on the Canadian U23 National Team. Normally we wouldn't allow someone to break HB etiquette like this, but since he looks so dam cool, we let it go. 

Pacific Coast Highway (US Highway 1)

Jamba Juice at the end of a ride make Sam a happy happy boy. 

1 comment:

sixtothe20 said...

YAY JAMBA! One staple of a trip to California. Keep the photos comin'. (: