
Monday, November 17, 2008

So About That Fired-Up-O-Meter...

So after three days in the campaign office, I decided it had to be done: we needed a Fired-Up-O-Meter. With a little butcher paper, some markers, and a few post it notes, the Fired-Up-O-Meter became the physical manifestation of our Fired-Upedness. The meter initially went from a 1 to 10, but after a day or so our Fired-Up-O-Meter went all the way to an 11. Here's the Fired-Up-O-Meter right above Michelle Obama's head:
For the record, Michelle Obama was the second most fired-up person in the office that day (second only to Barack Obama, so was so fired up his sticky note was inches from the ceiling).

It wasn't uncommon for us all to be completely off the charts:

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