
Sunday, November 21, 2010

GliderBison GiveAway!

Allrighty then -- time for another give away. Same rules as last time:

  1. To enter, you must post a comment on this blog. Leave your name, and if possible, a short poem. 
  2. I will draw a lucky winner using a random number generator next sunday, the  28th of November. 
  3. Once I've selected a winner, send me an e-mail with your address, and your prize will be on your doorstep before you know it. Just ask Luke!
This time, I'm giving away a Rock Racing water bottle. This relic from cycling's past harkens back to a time when Rock Racing was the hottest ticket in town, a time when the number of team Escalades outnumbered racers, and when their motto was "Rock Racing: here to stay," (as opposed to their current motto "Rock Racing: not quite clinically dead yet"). Go Rock Racing!

This bottle was used once at a race, by a member of Rock Racing. I think it just had water in it, and I washed it, so it smells just fine. 

I admit, the logo is pretty cool.


Martin Criminale said...

Rock Racing Rock Racking where did you go?
Rock Racing Rock Racing have you seen the snow?
Here in Seattle it just turned white.
How I wish you were not so (literally) outta sight.
Rock Racing Rock Racing your sponsorship will be sorely missed.
Now this bottle will be all I have to remember you by and that does not seem like it does you justice-ed.

John Sindell said...

Ball may be a jerk
But not number 38
He'll pick me to win