UNFORTUNATELY Krogg also spend time on internet in bad way. Krogg terrible! Like when Krogg get lost on TheOnion.com, or when Krogg decide: watch entire season of The Office on Hulu....AGAIN. Krogg identify very few benefits from this behavior. However, several minor, peripheral benefits exist:
Top 5 Minor Peripheral Benefits That Result from Spending an Inordinate Amount of Time on the Internet
or this:
2: I learn amazing new things, like how much water exists elsewhere in the universe:
3: I get all caught up on the best new stuff from Manual for Speed, like this:
Or this:
4: I laugh my ass off at funny videos, like this:
5: I read Hyperbole and a Half, and she reminds me that I'm not the only one who uses my time poorly, or finds myself awake, doing nothing on internet, in the middle of the night: