
Saturday, March 26, 2011


So first off -- there is a downright splendid photo of me over on the Team Exergy site at the moment. Be sure to check in on the team site whenever we're at a race -- Tad does a pretty good job of updating daily.

Next, Krogg is a sad caveman today. Here's why:

Krogg have rough day at office. Stop once to help Andres chase chase chase after flat tire. Krogg stop twice to help Barlevav chase chase chase after mechanical. Krogg write poem: 

Caveman caveman, why you no chase harder?
Caveman caveman, why you no rail those corners? 
Caveman caveman, why you no have stronger legs?
           Or bigger lungs?
Caveman caveman, why you crack and get lapped?
           And DNF? 
Krogg: 0. San Dimas: 2.
Caveman feeling a little blue.   

Thank you Krogg. Sorry to hear about your race.

So it looks like I get to watch another San Dimas crit from the sidelines. Crap. Another "Bogus Journey," eh? However, this time, at least I have the satisfaction that comes from helping a team mate back to the peloton. I might not have finished, but Andres did -- inside the top 20 (I think), and only a few seconds off the leaders. As disappointed as I am that I can't be there to help tomorrow, I consider my sacrifice a worthy one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

San demons — haunt Krogg !
-but team fans appreciate him.